GREENing the Workplace

We, as humans, spend on average 87% of our lives inside of buildings, much of which is spent at work.

Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS recognizes the importance of a healthy office environment for the well-being of its employees, and continually strives to improve and maintain these spaces. One sound way to improve air quality, enhance visuals, as well as employee alertness and energy levels is by bringing nature inside of the building through living green walls. Over the past half century, a notable increase of urban dwellers has led to an increase in air pollution and loss of green spaces. Living green walls infuse office interiors with life-renewing greenery. They offer an inspirational and aesthetically intriguing natural boost to employee morale. The structures of living, breathing plant life create the “wow factor” so many designers seek while championing sustainability. The benefits of green walls are felt in our office every day.